

Here are some of the wonderful books I have come across over the years. I will continue to add to these and hopefully do some book reviews too.


The Myth of Normal - Gabor Mate

Scattered Minds - Gabor Mate

In the realm of Hungry Ghosts - Gabor Mate

Healing Developmental Trauma - Laurence Heller PHD

No Bad Parts - Richard C Schwartz

How to do the work - Nicole Lepera

Diagnosis Normal - Emma A. Jane

Divergent Mind: Thriving in a World That Wasn't Designed for You - Jenara Nerenberg

The Autists - Women on the spectrum - Clara Tornvall

The Artist’s Way - Julia Cameron

Waking the Tiger - Peter Levine

Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert

The Art of asking - Amanda Palmer

Creativity for Life - Eric Maisel

The Highly Sensitive Person - Elaine N Aron

The body keeps the score - Bessel Van Der Kolk

The Dark night of the soul - Fiona Robertson

Websites Reframing Autism -

Autism masterclass -